

"We Are Committed To Enhancing Access To Water, Health Care, And Education In Underprivileged Communities."


Al Ansar Humanity Foundation

This Charity Foundation is a recognised non-profit organisation that was founded to assist civilisation with its fundamental requirements and has since expanded to include far-flung vistas. The organisation is available for any tragedies, catastrophes, or emergencies that people may experience, whether natural or man-made.

The sole purpose of this service is to assist those less fortunate who demand justice and hospitality. The organisation has made care to convey its most profound concern for the welfare of society on every page. According to Islamic teachings and the moral principles of a democratic society, it ensured equality among the citizens and linked hearts with all kinds of assistance. It conforms to the ethical principles of a democratic society, upholding the well-being of all ages, socioeconomic groups, and religious beliefs.


You Can Help a Lot by Donating for Charity


Our Only Mission is to Fulfill Others Dreams

Our Vision

To promote a donating and philanthropic culture in Pakistan in order to establish connected and prosperous communities.

Our Mission

Through our shared Islamic beliefs, knowledge, and worldwide reach, we will motivate and empower individuals to respond quickly to crises and combat poverty.

Our Core Values

  • Exceptional Service - We build generational ties with our clients that last a lifetime.
  • Trustworthiness - We uphold donor intent and are responsible to people who put their faith in us.
  • Leadership - To create a better community, we take the initiative and work together with others.
  • Passion - By assisting donors on their philanthropic journey and promoting charitable giving in our community, we instil enthusiasm.
Help is Our Goal

What Make Us Different

We Educate
We Help
We Build
We Donate
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Number of Supporters
0 K+
Volunteers Worldwide
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Completed Projects
Our Goal is to Help Poor People
Meet Our Team

Give a Hand to Make the Better World

Our team members are compassionate, fantastic listeners, and excellent motivators, but perhaps most importantly, they all have a sincere desire to improve the lives of our people. Their passion and hard work are what make our organisation strong.

Our Senior Leadership Team and Board of Trustees serve as the direction for our Charity Foundation.


We Are Committed To Enhancing Access To Water, Health Care, And Education In Underprivileged Communities.

helping hands
Our Volunteers

Meet Some Of The Incredible People Who Are Transforming Lives With Us!

Our volunteers are significant in assisting us in changing lives. The roles range from Charity Foundation Visiting and Fundraising to Creating Awareness and Researching.
Our volunteer community comprises approximately 1,000 people of all ages, from varied backgrounds, and from all over the world. A few are with us for a month, while others have been volunteering for years!

We’d love to hear from you for as long as you can and want to commit to volunteering.

Join our enthusiastic volunteers and have a blast while transforming the world