Lend a Helping Hand

By sharing kindness we create a brighter and united future.

Alansar Humanity Foundation is committed to building communities of hope and progress through compassion and support.

Help Children Get out of Poverty & have a Future

Every child deserves a chance at a better life. Alansar Humanity Foundation works to break the cycle of poverty through education and opportunity. Together, we can create brighter futures for them.

Goal £20,000

helping hands
Welcome to Al Ansar Humanity Foundation

Helping each other can make world better

This Charity Foundation is a recognised non-profit organisation that was founded to assist civilisation with its fundamental requirements and has since expanded to include far-flung vistas. The organisation is available for any tragedies, catastrophes, or emergencies that people may experience, whether natural or man-made.

Our Projects

Caring For The Growing Needs Of Our Community


You Can Help Lots of People by
Donating Little

Ramadan Programmes

No one should ever go hungry, especially during Ramadan, and by contributing to our appeal, you will help so many people worldwide.

Raised £7,000

Goal £20,000

Empower a Pilgrimage

We continuously try and think outside the box on how we can help/support people those who needs the most. Haj is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and those who can afford should perform one.

Raised £5,250

Goal £15,000

People that Need Clean Drinking Water
Nunc mattis enim ut tellus elementum. Porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Aliquam purus sit amet luctus.

Raised £07,550

Goal £12,000


Make a wish come true this year – For children with critical Illnesses

There are children with critical condition and for them, the joy of childhood is brought to an abrupt end. We try our best to provide them with a joy in such a time by “Make a wish” come true. This brings light and joy to children in their lives.
Please donate, which will help us to bring back joy and smile on those children who needs the most.

Do you need help/support?

Please fill out the form and let us know what you are looking for, someone from our team will get back to you with in 12 hours to discuss. We will keep this confidential

Wedding Favours

On your happy wedding day, please give to the hungry.

An excellent project was motivated by a hadith about wedding cuisine that was recorded in Sahih Muslim. Abu Hurayrah (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) used to say:
“The worst food is the food of a wedding banquet to which the rich are invited while the poor are left out. Anyone who does not answer the invitation has disobeyed Allah and His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him).”
– Sahih Bukhari & Muslim.

Anyone getting married can donate food from themselves, their spouses, or their families to those less fortunate.

Giving yourself to Allah’s will and simply seeking his pleasure is the basis of a happy marriage.

We also offer assistance and supplies for making presents for the bride during weddings.

Become a Volunteers

Join our enthusiastic volunteers and have a blast while transforming the world.


What People Say About
Our Organization

Need Help?

People are frequently asking some questions from us

People often have questions about our work and mission. Here are some answers to help you understand how Alansar Humanity Foundation is making a difference.

Our foundation assures a giving policy of 100%. All donations are used only for the purpose for which they were given. There is no deduction for administration, marketing, or any other reason.

Yes, the website is secure for all types of transactions. All information exchanged is protected and under never circumstances exposed. Additionally, the payment gateway is a third-party payment gateway approved by governmental financial institutions. Any transaction is, therefore, completely safe.

In-kind donations are often only accepted when they are necessary for one of the projects at a particular moment.

In-kind donations are often only accepted when they are necessary for one of the projects at a particular moment.

You may still contribute significantly as a volunteer in Asia or Europe by spreading our postings, raising money, and promoting awareness. We are constantly searching for volunteers, so if you are interested, give us a call at __________ or send us an email at __________

Understanding that Zakat is due on all forms of wealth or property as long as ownership is total and undivided is crucial for calculating Zakat. Included assets should be:

Silver And Gold (Ornaments Or Jewellery)
  • Money Kept At Home Or In Accounts
  • Lending Money To Others
  • Owning Real Estate For Investment Objectives
  • Direct Or Indirect Ownership Of Stocks And Shares Through Investment Funds
  • Commercial Inventory And Products
  • Agricultural Output
  • Livestock

The following eight are eligible for zakat payments:

  • The Poor
  • Workers In The Zakat Administration Or Collecting Who Are Indigent
  • New Muslims Who Have Just Converted To Islam, Whose Hearts Are Being Reconciled
  • Slave Emancipation (It Is Generally Agreed That This Category No Longer Exists)
  • Those Who Are In Debt
  • For The Pleasure Of Allah (SWT)
  • Travellers Without The Resources To Go Back Home