Food Aid and Clean Water

Caring For The Growing Needs Of Our Community.

Food Aid and Clean Water
Food Aid

The Truth About Hunger In The Globe

More than 690 million people throughout the world experience chronic hunger. Due to their extreme food insecurity and poverty, these individuals may spend days without eating.

In these hard times where poverty is skying, unemployment is at its peak, low wages are on the cards and the rate of inflation is record high, the poor people are suffering the most. They find it most difficult to earn enough to feed their kids.
In these tough times, the Al Ansar Humanity Foundation provides food to at least 50+ people every day with dignity, honour, and self-respect. 
We need uninterrupted donations to fund our project daily, we are also aiming to increase the supply of food to cover more people.
One of the highest Islamic virtues and a fundamental component of the Sunnah is feeding others. Being a believer is an activity that will be brought up during questioning and will safeguard us from the Fire while guiding us to Jannah. We can present it as a Sadaqah to our family, on behalf of our departed loved ones, or even as a Sadaqah Jaariyah.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “Whoever feeds someone hungry will have his sins forgiven, and whoever helps someone to travel will have his sins forgiven.”

Hunger-Relief Initiatives

The Hunger-Relief Initiatives’ main objective is to reduce hunger and food insecurity via short- and long-term measures.
Our programmes address thousands of individuals in nations all over the world to put a meal on the table and alleviate food insecurity. Our Hunger-Relief Program appeal is 100% Zakat applicable, meaning that every cent of your donation goes directly to delivering nutritious meals and agricultural assistance to underprivileged people worldwide!
Clean Water

Water Is Life

Nearly 1 billion people around the world do not have access to clean, safe water 30,000 people die every week from unsafe water and unhygienic living conditions2.2 million children’s lives could be saved each year by clean water and sanitation. There is no doubt that water is the key to life, yet still, 1 in 3 people do not have access to clean drinking water globally.

Water is a fundamental need. Millions of Pakistanis struggle to survive because they have poor or no access to water.
Unsafe water is the single most significant threat to the health of households in the poor world, with 842,000 deaths from diarrhoea alone each year. Children under the age of five are particularly susceptible to cholera and diarrheal diseases, and contaminated water weakens their immune systems, making it harder for them to fight off any infection. Helping those in need acquire and supply water facilities is one of our priorities.

Allah says in the Qur’an, ‘And whoever saves one [a life] – it is as if he had saved all of mankind’. (Qur’an, 5:32)

Giving water is a very rewarding deed since it saves lives. Imagine that each time the clean water you contributed saves a life, it’s as though you’ve rescued the whole human race!
Clean Water

Eco-Friendly Water Projects

We must implement long-term water initiatives to diminish the consequences of drought. Water is essential to life, in our opinion. We aim to ensure that communities have easy access to a reliable source of clean water for many years when we construct a water infrastructure.
Your contributions will prevent people from going without access to safe drinking water and water for daily necessities like washing, cooking, and caring for animals by regenerating entire communities for future generations. Please donate generously to assist families throughout the world acquire this vital necessity.
You may also assist by donating to our monthly water tank initiative, which provides clean water to communities all around the world.